Glam in the City fundraiser success


The ‘Glam in the City’ Fashion Show fundraiser organised by two final year Business students at IT Sligo last month raised an impressive €1,650 for the Irish Heart Foundation and €1,000 for the Special Olympics.

Students Nada Mousa and Sandra Smith said the event was such a success that it may become out to be an annual event.

They said; “The night was everything we hoped for, and more. It took a lot of time, work and effort but after the event it definitely paid off. We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who was involved and helped made the night a success that it was. We raised a great amount for both charities and we are proud of ourselves.”

David Muldoon, Regional Fundraiser from the Irish Heart Foundation said: “Events such as Glam in the City not only raise funds but also promote heart healthy lifestyle behaviours so more women will know how to reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and will recognise the signs and symptoms of heart attack and stroke.”

Dr Kate McGarry Consultant Physician and Chair of the Irish Heart Foundation’s Council on Women and CVD said: “Every two hours a woman dies in Ireland from cardiovascular disease (heart, stroke and blood vessel diseases). When it comes to health issues, women are more concerned about breast cancer even though seven times as many women die from heart disease and stroke in Ireland each year. Our goal is to alert women that especially after the menopause, they are at risk of heart attack and stroke, as much as any man. But the good news is that a positive lifestyle can alter risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

The Irish Heart Foundation relies on charitable donations for 93% of its income.


Students Nada Mousa and Sandra Smith present a cheque for €1,650 to David Muldoon, Regional Fundraiser for the Irish Heart Foundation.