Top Tips for CAO Change of Mind Deadline


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Unsure about the choices you made on your CAO form?

You still have a chance to change your mind up until the 1st July at 17.15. You can change your course choices as many times as you need to and you will not be charged.

Here are some need to know tips on the points system and CAO applications.

The Points System


  • Points levels change from year to year due to supply and demand for places. The points levels for the coming academic year cannot be predicted and past points levels are given as a general guide only.
  • Choose courses in your genuine order of preference, based on your own career aspirations.
  • Do not judge the quality of a course or its employment value from its points level.
  • It is imperative that you research your course choices thoroughly. For IT Sligo courses, be sure to consult our 2011 Prospectus by clicking here.
  • You should retain a record of your application information as well as all correspondence with the CAO.
  • If in doubt about courses check with your school guidance counsellor, teacher or the Institute itself.

Five Tips to Making the Best CAO Application

  • Step 1: Pin down your interests

Jot the answers to these down; What area would you like to work in? Do you like working with people, with animals, working outdoors or indoors? What is your favourite Leaving Cert subject? What are your strengths and areas for improvement?

  • Step 2: Research

So after answering Step one, you now should know what you are interested in. Next step, check out what courses are out there that correspond with your interests. Check out the IT Sligo New Student page for a full listing of our 2011 courses on offer.

  • Step 3: Don’t guess what points you will get!

Place your courses in order of preference on the form; picture the CAO form as your wish list. Never list your choices in points order.

  • Step 4: Double check

Check to make sure everything is correct on your form and there are no mistakes. Remember, you can change your CAO form as many times as needed BUT only up until 1st July at 17.15. After this date, no more changes can be made.

  • Step 5: Enjoy!

If you applied to IT Sligo we look forward to seeing you when the college year starts and enjoy your experience with us!

If you need more information on why you should choose IT Sligo on your CAO form, visit our New Student section here.