Grace Weir to launch Fine Art Degree Show


Artist and film maker Grace Weir will launch the Final Year Show of the Bachelor of Arts in Fine Art (Level 7) at IT Sligo next Wednesday, May 23 at 8pm.

The show is open to the public and will be held in IT Sligo’s K Building, which is located off Clarion Road.

Students participating in the show have completed a three year Bachelor of Arts Degree in Fine Art which includes Painting, Drawing, Ceramics, Print Making, History and Theory, Sculpture and Digital and Lens based Media.

The show takes a collaborative approach with carefully considered selections of art works produced by each student over the course of the academic year showcasing a broad spectrum of mediums, interests and engagements.

The exhibition is an important opportunity for the students to experience, organize and present work in the public domain.

The launch takes place at 8pm on May 23rd and is open to members of the public to attend. Light refreshments will be available and there will be live music.  The exhibition will also be open for viewing from 9am until 4pm on Thursday 24 May.

For further enquiries please contact or 0719155472.


 A piece of work by student Matthew Tucker who is one of the students displaying at the Fine Art Degree Show (Level 7)

 Mathew Tucker's - 'U#E41F7F


BA Fine Art Poster