
IT Sligo marketing students Marie Ladisch and Shane Brannigan along with their lecturer Carol Moran attended the Markstrat Intensive Programme in Seinajoki, Finland earlier this month.  The intensive marketing and strategy simulation programme is organised by the Dukenet organisation.   Universities from Scotland, The Netherlands, France, Germany, Italy, Romania and Finland were taking part.  IT Sligo was the only third level institution representing Ireland at the event.

The intensive simulation programme required the students to work in multicultural teams in a highly pressurised environment.  Each team was competing to maximise their market share, return on investment and profitability by making strong marketing and strategy decisions which responded to the marketing environment in the virtual economy in which the simulation is set.  Marie and Shane represented IT Sligo extremely well and their teams were awarded a silver and bronze medal respectively.

The programme is designed to improve students’ competence in the areas of marketing and management but also to allow students to experience learning in a multicultural environment.

There was also time for a little fun in the minus 23 degree weather!  The hosts of Markstrat,  Seinajoki University of Applied Sciences, organised a snow orienteering afternoon with fun team building exercises keeping all on their toes.

An international dinner was served as part of the multi-cultural experience, where students had the opportunity to showcase their national produce and sample the delights from the other countries.  The event drew to a close with a gala dinner, award presentation and international song contest where each country performed a traditional folk song.  Despite the cold weather, the participants will have many warm memories of the event.


For further information contact:

Ann Higgins

Head of Department of Marketing, Tourism & Leisure

IT Sligo

Phone (071) 9137220

e-mail: higgins.ann@nullitsligo.ie