Halloweagles A Hoot


On the days leading up to Halloween students at IT Sligo hosted Halloweagles, an event to raise funds for the non-profit Eagles Flying. The event was created by students in the BB of Marketing programme as a way to get first-hand experience in marketing. On the day of the event the students sold pumpkins, a raffle where people could win a trip to Eagles Flying and do a Hawk Walk, as well as a 25-euro voucher to Lidl stores was on offer. The event also had a barn owl named Sammy who attended so people could come and get a picture with him. Lothar from Eagles flying was available to answer any questions that people may have had about Eagles Flying and he also held a lecture in the Aurivo.


The event was sponsored by Lidl stores who generously supplied the pumpkins as well as the voucher for the raffle. The voucher for Lidl was won by Sligo native Ciara Lynch who is studying software development at the IT. The second prize that was raffled away was a trip for two to take a Hawk Walk at Eagles Flying.

This event could not have been a success without all the people who supported it. We would like to thank Lidl stores for being a so generous and sponsoring the event. We would also like to thank all the students and staff members at the IT who came by and made a donation and entered in to the raffle to support Eagles Flying. We also want to give a special thanks to Sammy the Owl who was with us all day taking pictures with people. €251.06 was raised on the day for Eagles flying & this money will be used to support wildlife conservation in the North West.