Cross border uptake of eInvoicing and innovation


On September 13th, the first meeting of the CEF funded project “Cross-border uptake of eInvocing and innovation” (Action number 2018-EU-IA-0068) took place in Palermo, on the premises of Sicilia Digitale. The Institute of Technology in Sligo, Ireland (IT Sligo) coordinates the consortium that includes the Irish Health Service Executive (HSE), Sicilia Digitale, Tubbercurry Software, Maggioli and Celeris.

The aim of this Action is to foster the uptake of eInvoicing services compliant with European standard (EN 16931) by the Irish Health Service and the Sicilian Region, as mandated by the eInvoicing Directive 2014/55/EU.

In Ireland, the focus will be on the Irish Health Care sector that needs to facilitate the uptake of eInvoicing compliant with the European standard (EN). The HSE will acquire an eInvoicing processing solution to enable it to handle eInvoices received, so that they become part of the eInvoice approval workflow. In addition, a PEPPOL Access Point will be acquired and connected to the eInvoicing processing solution. The EN compliant eInvoicing service will be available to all health care authorities in Ireland.

In Italy, the Action will focus on innovative activities for the Sicilian Region, covering the integration of an EN compliant eInvoicing module in the regional eProcurement platform. The platform will be connected to a PEPPOL Access Point and an SMP which will be developed as part of the Action.  A web-based eInvoicing solution for Sicilian SMEs will also be developed, allowing the relevant bodies to send EN compliant eInvoices to contracting authorities across Europe, ensuring interoperability.

In addition, the Action will cover the development of an automated reporting solution by using blockchain technologies and that of an eInvoice translation tool that will use standard based style sheets.

The project activities will be completed by December 2020.