Healthy Eating Day Huge Success at Institute



Healthy Eating Organisers

The ‘healthy eating day’ held in the college in March by students from Public Health & Health Promotion in conjunction with the Students Union proved to be a great success. There was great interest shown throughout the day in the information stand developed by the Health Promotion students.

The events for the day kicked off with the distribution of free fruit, seeds and water from the information stand. The real excitement came in the form of the ready steady cook competition that was enjoyed by all in the canteen on the day with participation from the students ensuring its success on the day. The winner was ultimately decided by a vote from the canteen audience using there red tomato and green pepper cards with the winner receiving €50 which was kindly sponsored by the Students Union.

This event was followed by a cooking demonstration from the two chefs on the day a handful of students got to enjoy the delicious healthy meals prepared by the chefs on the day. The day was a great success and we would like to take this opportunity to thank all those involved in making it the Healthy Eating Day the success it was.