Information evening for mature learners


An information evening for adults who are interested in returning to education or taking up a course at third level for the first time will be held in IT Sligo on Monday January 17th at 7pm.

The information evening will include presentations from the IT Sligo Access Officer and School Liaison Officer on the supports available for mature learners entering third level education and the range of courses available at IT Sligo.

There will also be a questions and answers session and individual questions will be taken

IT Sligo Access Officer Catherine McNelis is encouraging anyone who is aged over 23 and interested in exploring their options to attend the information evening: “A mature student is classified as anyone who is aged over 23 on January 1st of this year. Anyone who is that age or older is eligible to return to education as a mature student.

“The CAO deadline on February 1st is fast approaching and now is the perfect time for people to investigate all the options open to them. This meeting will provide an opportunity for anyone interested taking up a course in September to find out what supports are available to them and what steps they now need to take to get applying.”

“While mature students must apply through the normal CAO process, their experience and previous work experience will be taken into consideration when it comes to gaining entry and people should realise that their life experience will stand to them considerably should they choose to return to education.”

IT Sligo Schools Liaison Officer Bernadette Farrell will speak about the course options available to mature learners at the information evening; “Every first year course offered at IT Sligo is open to mature students and we have a wide range of courses across the disciplines that are targeted at getting people into the workplace, so I would encourage anyone interested in taking up a course to check out their options in our prospectus in advance of the meeting. The prospectus is available from IT Sligo and also on our website

“Up to 20 per cent of the places in our first year courses are available for mature students and this year one in six of our first year students are mature students, so you will not be alone and IT Sligo has great support systems in place to help mature students settle into college life,” she said.

The information evening will be held in Room A004 beside the Main Reception in IT Sligo from 7pm on Monday 17th. It is free and everyone is welcome to attend.




There’s never been a better time to return to education. Explore your options at the IT Sligo Information Evening for Mature Learners next Monday, January 17th.