Piterina, A.V., C. McCausland, J. Bartlett and J.T. Pembroke (2006). Microbial ecology of autothermal aerobic digestion (ATAD): diversity, dynamics and activity of bacterial communities involved in treatment of municipal wastewater. P 526-535 In Mendez-Vilas, Antonio (ed.) Modern Multidisciplinary Applied Microbiology, Exploiting Microbes and Their Interactions. ISBN 3-527-31611-6 – Wiley-VCH, Weinheim
Ward, E. (2006) Case study in MArkeitng Research in Ireland by Domegan and Fleming. Gill and McMillan.
Peer reviewed Journals
Chira, O., Tormey, D., Roche, T., Brennan, A. (2006) ‘An agent-based approach to knowledge management in distributed design’. Special issue on E-Manufacturing and web-based technology for intelligent manufacturing and Networked enterprise interoperability, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 17/6, Springer Verlag, ISSN0956-5515.
Dolled-Filhart M, McCabe A, Giltnane J, Cregger M, Camp RL, Rimm DL. Cancer Res. 2006 Quantitative In Situ Analysis (AQUA) of Beta-Catenin Expression in Breast Cancer Shows Decreased Expression is Associated with Poor Outcome. May 15;66(10):5487-94.
Dowd, M. (2006) Archaeological excavations in Glencurran Cave, Co. Clare. Irish Quaternary Association Annual Conference.
Dowd, M. (2006) Exploring darkness: the role of caves for funerary activity in the Neolithic. Association of Young Irish Archaeologists Annual Conference, U.C.C.
Honari, B. Donovan, J. Flood, B. and Murphy E., (2006) “Use of Bayesian Networks in Estimating the Reliability of Distributed Communications Systems”, International Society of Science and Applied Technologies (ISSAT) International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, Chicago , IL , USA , pp. 25-29.
Honari, B. Donovan, J. Flood, B. and Murphy E., (2006), “Reliability evaluation in a (r:s)-out-of-(m,n):F system using Bayesian Networks”, International Conference on Degradation, Damage, Fatigue and Accelerated Life Models in Reliability Testing (ALT 2006), Angers, France, pp. 305-309.
Joyce, T. Donovan, J. Murphy, E. (2006) “The Application of the Box-Tidwell Transformation in Reliability Modeling”, Proceedings of the Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, Newport Beach, Ca, pp. 196-200.
Marchi G.F., Schiavo M., Kempton G.T., Naughton P.J. & Scotto M., (2006). The use of geogrids in the construction of piled embankments on the new lines of the Italian high speed train. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Yokohama, Japan, pp 909-912.
Naughton P.J. & Kempton, G.T., (2006). Life-time assessment of polyester based geosynthetics. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Yokohama, Japan, pp 1577-1580.
O’Connor, D. (2006) Spraoi Le Cheile: An Anthology of Irish Games, Songs and Rhymes. BMW Regional Network for Early Childhood Care and Education.
Patton T, Barrett J, Brennan J, Moran N. (2006) Use of a spectrophotometric bioassay for determination of microbial sensitivity to manuka honey. J Microbiol Methods. 64(1):84-95.
Piterina, A.V., McCausland, C., Bartlett, J. and Pembroke, J.T. (2006) Bacterial community composition, physico-chemical operating parameters and the efficiency of solids reduction during autothermal thermophilic aerobic digestion (ATAD) of municipal sludge. Recent advances in multidisciplinary applied microbiology: Understanding and exploiting microbes and their interactions. Biological, physical, chemical and engineering aspects. Vol 2; 210-221.
Sparks, C. (2006) ‘A stranger in Leitrim’ in M.Corcoran & M. Peilon (eds) Uncertain Ireland, IPA.
Sparks, C. (2006) ‘The production of the imaginary terrorist as an object of fear: Orientalism in the Twenty First Century’ in A, Lentin & R.Lentin (eds.) Race and State Cambridge Scholars Press.
Conference oral presentations
Amajirionwu, M., Connaughton, N., Moles, R., Bartlett, J. (2006) Developing Indicators for Sustainable Management of Biosolids using a Stakeholder Participatory Approach. Paper given to the 16th Irish Env. Res. Colloquium, UCD.
Bartlett J., Leyden, N. McCausland, C., and Pembroke, J.T. (2006) Process conditions and variables associated with efficient ATAD operation in treating domestic sludge. Paper given to Solid Waste Disposal conference. Warrington UK Feb 2006 p 73-75.
Bartlett, J. and Moore, J. (2006) The North West Environment & Energy Consortium, A Cross Border Project focusing on Waste Management. Paper given to ICBAN Conference on Innovation in the North West: From Vision to Reality, Omagh College.
Carter, F., Mulligan, B. (2006) “Mechatronics by online distance learning – the IT Sligo experience “, 7th International Workshop on Research and Education in Mechatronics, Stockholm.
Charleton, M. (2006) “Moral Evaluation of Cultural Differences”, Feset Conference on ‘Equality, Diversity and Ethnicity’.
Coll, B., Mulligan, B. (2006) “Rapid development of online learning using web based video-conferencing and video podcasting”, Irish Global Network of the American Society of Training and Development.
Coll, B., Mulligan, B. (2006) “Podcasting: Third Level Education, Anytime Anywhere”, Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources and ComReg conference: “Facilitating Broadband Leadership”, Dublin.
Coll, B. (2006) Process Innovation – Looking outside your current field’, Enterprise Ireland, Process Innovation Workshop, Limerick
Coll, B. (2006) ‘Bringing the Campus to the Workforce Through Live Video-Based Virtual Classroom and Podcasting’ American Society for Training & Development, Dublin
Grant, N. (2006) ‘A Taxonomy of Manufacturing Strategies in Ireland’, 23rd International Manufacturing Conference, University of Ulster, pp. 29-36.
Hanrahan, J., (2006), Tourism planning in Ireland ‘An analysis of County Development Plans’ Paper presented at 2nd Annual Tourism and Hospitality Research in Ireland Conference: Waterford Institute of Technology.
Hanrahan. J. (2006) Ecotourism eco-certification and the EU eco label, Ireland’s first Eco Tourism Conference – Building a Sustainable Future, Green Box and La Nua Eco Housing Project.
Honari, B. Donovan, J. (2006) “Using Bayesian Networks to Estimate the Optimal Failure Investigation and Repair Time for an (r,s)-out-of-(m,n):F System”. The 26th Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland (CASI).
Kenny, P. (2006) ‘Juvenile Justice in the Republic of Ireland: A Sociological and Criminological Analysis’, 1st North South Annual Postgraduate Criminology Conference, Belfast.
Kiely, E. (2006) “A Framework for Facilitating Student Learning along a ‘Support and Challenge Continuum’ through Mentoring Initiatives” 4th Annual Conference on Diversity in Teaching & Learning, Galway.
Kiely, E. (2006) “Collaborative Learning Partnerships in Science Teacher Training” Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Conference, Dublin.
Lucy, F. (2006) Early life stages of zebra mussels: the importance of long-term datasets in invasion ecology. 14th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species, Miami, USA.
McCausland, C., Bartlett, J. and Stickland, A. D. (2006) The dewatering properties of autothermal thermophilic aerobic sludge: a compressive-rheology approach to characterisation. Paper given to 11th European Biosolids and Organic Resources Conference and Workshop, Wakefield.
McCausland, C., Bartlett, J. and Stickland, A. D. (2006) The dewatering properties of autothermal thermophilic aerobic sludge: a compressive-rheology approach to characterisation. Poster – In 4th CIWEM annual conference: emerging environmental issues and future challenges, Newcastle upon Tyne.
Mulligan B., (2006) “Communication tools for Communities of Practice in Nursing and Midwifery”, National Nursing and Midwifery Informatics Conference.
Mulligan, B. (2006) “The Disappearing Entry Barriers to the Provision of Distance Education”, EDEN conference, Vienna.
Naughton, P., Kempton, G.T (2006) “Life-time assessment of polyester based geosynthetics”, 8th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Yokohama, Japan.
O’ Toole (2006) ‘Gender and Sexuality in Social Care’ to Equality and Social Inclusion in the 21st Century, Queen’s University, Belfast
Share, P. (2006) ‘Professionalisation and social care in Ireland’. Journal Européen d’Education Sociale/European Journal of Social Education 10/11. ISSN 1810-4789.
Share, P. (2006) ‘Community gardening programs: an effective response to social exclusion?’ Paper to 5th International Society for Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity [ISBNPA] Conference, Boston.
Share, P. (2006) ‘Managing intertextuality – meaning, plagiarism and power’. Paper to 2nd International Plagiarism Conference, Gateshead.
Share, P. (2006) ‘Bringing outside environmental knowledge in: the post-organic movement’ [with O. Moore]. Paper to SSRC International Environmental Workshop, Galway.
Sparks, C. (2006) ‘A stranger in Leitrim’ in M.Corcoran & M. Peilon (eds) Uncertain Ireland, IPA.
Sparks, C. (2006) ‘The production of the imaginary terrorist as an object of fear: Orientalism in the Twenty First Century’ in A, Lentin & R.Lentin (eds.) Race and State Cambridge Scholars Press.
Trench, R. (2006) The Abject Protagonist in Marina Carr’s Ariel. International Confederation for Theatre Research (IFTR). Helsinki, Finland.
Trench, R. (2006) Staging Morality in Marina Carr’s On Raftery’s Hill. Irish Feminist Futures. Cork.
Trench, R. (2006) The King of the Castle: Marina Carr’s On Raftery’s Hill. School of History and Anthropology. Belfast.
Uppal D, S. Barrett, E. Ryan, J. Crowe (2006). Iron depletion therapy increases the rate of iron re-accumulation in HH patients with mild disease: implications for the treatment of mild HH. To be presented at the American Association for the study of the Liver (AASLD.
Zhelev, T. Layden, N., Pembroke, J.T., Bartlett, J. (2006) Energy efficiency improvement of wastewater treatment processes subjected to load fluctuations. CHISA 2006, 17th International Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction p1005-1006. Prague 22-29 August 2006.