Oireachtas Members Urged to Support CU Alliance


The Connacht-Ulster Alliance – which is made up of GMIT, LYIT and IT Sligo – was officially launched by An Taoiseach Enda Kenny in July.

Achieving designation as a Technological University will ensure that the region maintains a high standard of education provision within a soon-to-be restructured national higher education landscape. It will also provide stimulus for economic and social growth, the TDs and Senators were told at the briefing.

A decision will soon be taken by the Higher Education Authority and Government about which Institutes of Technology can go forward to work towards Technological University re-designation. Provision for the establishment of small number of Technological Universities is provided in the Government’s National Strategy for Higher Education to 2030.

: Tony McLaughlin TD, Senator Imelda Henry, Professor Terri Scott, President of IT Sligo, Senator Michael Comiskey, Senaor Susan O’Keeffe and Senator Marc MacSharry at the Oireachtas Briefing in Dublin.

Tony McLaughlin TD, Senator Imelda Henry, Professor Terri Scott, President of IT Sligo, Senator Michael Comiskey, Senator Susan O’Keeffe and Senator Marc MacSharry at the Oireachtas Briefing in Dublin.

Presidents of IT Sligo, GMIT and LYIT, Professor Terri Scott, Michael Carmody and Paul Hannigan.

Presidents of IT Sligo, GMIT and LYIT, Professor Terri Scott, Michael Carmody and Paul Hannigan.

Paul Hannigan, President of LYIT; Senator Pearse Doherty; Henry Garvey, Chair of LYIT Governing Body; Deputy Charlie McConalogue; and Deputy Pádraig Mac Lochlainn at the Oireachtas Briefing in Dublin about the ambitions of the Connacht-Ulster Alliance to achieve designation as a Technological University.

Paul Hannigan, President of LYIT; Pearse Doherty TD; Henry Garvey, Chair of LYIT Governing Body; Deputy Charlie McConalogue; and Deputy Pádraig Mac Lochlainn at the Oireachtas Briefing in Dublin about the ambitions of the Connacht-Ulster Alliance to achieve designation as a Technological University.

Michael Carmody, President of GMIT; Deputy Noel Grealish; Des Mahon, Chair of GMIT Governing Body; Senator Michael Comiskey; Deputy Dara Calleary; and Deputy Frank Feighan.

Michael Carmody, President of GMIT; Deputy Noel Grealish; Des Mahon, Chair of GMIT Governing Body; Senator Michael Comiskey; Deputy Dara Calleary; and Deputy Frank Feighan.

President of LYIT Paul Hannigan with Deputy Joanna Tuffy, Chair of the Oireachtas Commitee on Education and Skills.





Deputy Eamon O'Cuiv; Des Mahon, Governing Body Chair at GMIT; Michael Carmody, President at GMIT; and Senator Fidelma Healy Eames.

Joe McHugh TD; Paul Hannigan,President of LYIT, Henry McGarvey, Chair of LYIT Governing Body and Thomas Pringle.

Joe McHugh TD; Paul Hannigan,President of LYIT, Henry McGarvey, Chair of LYIT Governing Body and Thomas Pringle TD.