Institute’s Environmental Society raising awareness during recent Environmental Week



The Institute’s Environmental Society under the very active Chairing of Pat McLoughlin ran a series of awareness raising events here at the Institute during the recent ‘Environmental’ Week. The theme for the week’s events focused on eco system, food and health.

Information Stalls
The Society erected a series of stalls exploring a wide range of environmental issues. Among the broad range of topics highlighted are the effects of intensive agriculture on our eco system, our foods and therefore our health.


Environmental Society members, Chairperson, Patrick McLoughlin and Vanya Lambrecht-Ward.

Other areas explored were the:

  • ethics of poultry egg production (battery hens vs free range)
  • food production processes (pesticides, fertilizers, GM foods)
  • excessive waste of food and excessive packaging of foods
  • healthier options in terms of eating more vegetarian foods and less packaged, locally sourced, in season, organic foods

These ‘micro’ or local issues were then related using a systems approach to major or ‘macro’ environmental issues such as global warming.


Sampling healthy food

Seeds/seedlings handouts
Lettuce seeds and seedlings were distributed free to encourage people to grow their own vegetables and encourage reconnect with where their food comes from

A film entitled “Future of Food” was shown which gave a more in depth and expansive look at food production in the world today and in the future

Vegetarian food sampling
The society invited Gaby Wieland from the Organic Centre, Rossinver, Co. Leitrim to offer samplings of vegetarian/organic foods to demonstrate how healthy eating can also appeal to the taste buds (


Highlighting Vegetarian options on campus
Corporate Catering ( the Institute’s main canteen service provider) highlighted the vegetarian option in the canteen available to students, staff and the general public at our canteen facilities.