Interior Architecture graduate ‘Blooms’ in RTE series


Leonie Cornelius.A graduate of IT Sligo’s Interior Architecture course took first place in the RTE series Secret Garden and was rewarded with an opportunity to recreate her winning garden at the recent Bloom event in Dublin.

Leonie Cornelius was awarded a Gold Medal for her colourful garden design during the RTE series, which challenged landscape designers to come up with a garden for five different families on a tight budget.

Leonie built a garden for Gerry and  Mary Flynn from Meadlowvale in Sligo Town.

After graduating from Interior Architecture in 2006, she went on to the KLC School of Design in London where she studied garden design.

Speaking about her time studying Interior Architecture at IT Sligo, Leonie said; “The course was exactly what I was looking for in that it married design and archictuture. I loved that it was creative, technical and challenging. Real life projects in the programme gave me a great insight into working reality, and it made me grow up as a designer so much.”

Leonie now runs her own business Blume Design House and specialises in garden design, interiors, furnture and art. For more information see For more information on Interior Architecture at IT Sligo click here.

Image Caption Top Right: Leonie Cornelius

Leonie with the Minister James O’Reilly at Bloom.

Leonie with the Minister James O’Reilly at Bloom.

Leonie’s winning garden design ‘Cookie and Cream’s Reclaimed Sanctuary’

Leonie’s winning garden design ‘Cookie and Cream’s Reclaimed Sanctuary’

Leonie Cornelius