Italian Fine Art and Design Professors visit institute



L-R: Louis McManus, Lecturer in History of Art and Design IT, Sligo; Prof. Claudia Tamburelli Lecturer Prof. Antonio Musiari Nuala Maloney, Lecturer in Fine Art IT, Sligo and Prof. Prof. Antonio Musiari Prof. Antonio Musiari on their recent visit to Sligo.

Prof. Antonio Musiari and Prof. Claudia Tamburelli, Lecturers from the Fine Art and Design Academy (Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti) in Turin visited IT, Sligo on Tuesday and Wednesday 24th/25th March 2009, as part of a TS Erasmus visit to Ireland.

As visiting lecturers, they gave presentations to Fine Art staff & students on the subject matter of ‘What is an Original Print?’ and showed to the audience a variety of examples of experimental studio work by their own Printmaking students.

During their visit they also availed of the opportunity to make contact with the International Office and Art/Design related courses here, including the Performing Arts students, with the intention of setting up study and work-based collaborations between the two Institutes.