O’Keeffe, Mary


‘Exciting and interesting’ is how Aine Conaghan describes her time at IT Sligo. She has completed a four year Bachelor of Business in Tourism degree and is currently studying a masters by Research at IT Sligo

Her favourite part of the course was the work placement but she also loved the field trips and practical projects. The field trips meant we got to go on a trip to visit various tourism businesses, this was great! I always preferred practical work to book work, this course gave a lot of opportunities to carry out practical work, this suited me perfectly remarks Aine.  For my paid work placement I worked in France. I was an onsite representative at prestige campsites for an Irish company, Campotel. I returned to work for this company for the remainder of my college summers. Each summer I learned more skills, adapted to different roles, made lots of great friends from all over that I can go and visit nowshe says about her paid work placement.

The benefits of the course were small class sizes which made it much easier to learn within a good atmosphere. The lecturers were very helpful and approachable. The benefit of learning from the various teaching styles used by the lecturers helped all learners.  “Between working in France in the tourism industry and for my family in their business in Donegal, I benefitted from all areas covered by the course”.

Aine wanted to go further with her education and take it to the next level in an area she had sincere interest in, Sustainable Tourism. Her main influence in the topic is due to where she lives in Donegal. “The influence to continue at IT Sligo was that the ideal supervisor for the chosen research topic is located here, Dr. James Hanrahan.  An external influence to me was Peter D. Krahenbuhl, Co-founder of Sustainable Travel International”. Recently Aine was awarded a scholarship from Fáilte Ireland and this has also motivated her to keep at her studies. The Failte Ireland sponsorship means that Aine was allocated over €30,000 to help her complete her studies in the area of sustainable tourism.

In 5 years time, Aine hopes to be working in the tourism industry and travelling to different parts of the world. “To work alongside large tourism organisations and perhaps training them in my area of expertise would be greatremarks Aine

IT Sligo offer students an opportunity to learn and engage in tourism activities within the region as part of their degree entitled Bachelor of Business in Tourism.  They are currently accepting applications. If you would like to apply for the three year tourism degree at IT Sligo and learn all about tourism log on to www.cao.ie and apply for course number SG135 or call Joanna Sweeney at 071 91 37211, email: sweeney.joanna@nullitsligo.ie


Aine Conaghan who has completed a four year Bachelor of Business in Tourism degree and is currently studying a masters by Research at IT Sligo.  For further information log on to www.cao.ie and apply for course number SG135 or call Joanna Sweeney at 071 91 37211, email: sweeney.joanna@nullitsligo.ie.

For further information contact:

Joanna Sweeney

P: 071 91 37211,

email: sweeney.joanna@nullitsligo.ie.