Students Engineer Hospice Collection


The new generation of engineers emerging from IT Sligo has been proving there’s much more to them than the stereotypical image of hard hats, high visibility jackets and theodolites – and all for the benefit of the North West Hospice.ENGWeekNWHospice_SeanMullery

As school pupils, the general public and undergraduates all attended a range of events illustrating innovation and job opportunities during ‘Engineers Week 2012’, around 30 of the Institute of Technology students seized on the opportunity to make their contribution by collecting money in support of a vital social cause.

In six hours they raised almost €1, 400 for the North West Hospice from staff and students at the Institute, visitors to the Engineers Week and among the general public at several locations in Sligo.

The collection was organised by IT Sligo’s School of Engineering and Design and Engineers Ireland.

Some of the collectors joined John Casserly, a lecturer in the School of Engineering and Design, and Anthony Skeffington, Chairman of Engineers Ireland, North West region at the handover of the cheque to Maeve Butler of the North West Hospice.

Caption for photo above: Maeve Butler from the North West Hospice who receives the proceeds from the students’ collection from John Casserly, Lecturer in the School of Engineering and Design and Anthony Skeffington, Chairman of the Engineers Ireland, North West region. Rear, left to right are Dr Tomas O’Flaherty, Lecturer in the School of Engineering and Design, and students Niall Costello, Enda McGuinness, John Larkin, Frank Ngenzi, Conor Hartin and Henen Orang.