Submission Guidelines

Submissions guidelines outlined here are for Abstracts, papers, abstract only submissions and poster presentations


Abstract Submission 28st February 2017
Paper Submission 12th April 2017
Abstract only submission

Poster presentations

Notification of Paper Decision

6th April 2017

24th April 2017

1st May 2017

Presentations Submission (full paper and abstract only) 1st June 2017
THRIC Conference 15th & 16th June 2017


All submissions to: 



The official language of the conference is English.

Abstracts should address one of the conference’s sub-themes. Additional sub-themes

will be considered if they are in line with the main conference theme. 


Authors must check that each of the following has been supplied correctly:

  1. Abstract Title
  2. Author(s) Name
  3. Author(s) postal and e-mail address
  4. Abstract of 200–300 words
  5. Keywords (six to eight, in lower case where possible)
  6. The title details should be centred (refer to page 4)


All abstracts should be written in Microsoft Word and 1.5 spaced, with 2.54cm margins on all sides. The font should be Times New Roman, 11 point. The main body text should be justified, with paragraphs separated by a line. Authors should omit all personal identification details for blind reading.


Please do not exceed three levels of headings. The recommended format for headings are:

Heading 1 (11 point, Capitalised, Bold, Times New Roman)

Heading 2 (11 point, Bold, Italicised, Times New Roman)

Heading 3 (11 point, Italicised, Times New Roman)


The recommended style for quotations embedded into a paragraph is single quote marks, with double quote marks used for a second quotation contained within the first.

Footnotes and endnotes

Footnotes should be avoided. Essential footnotes should be numbered consecutively in the text and grouped together at the end of the paper. Endnotes may be used for comments and additional information only.


  1. The official language of the conference is English.
  2. Abstracts should address one of the conference’s sub-themes. Additional sub-themes will be considered if they are in line with the main conference theme.
  3. The abstract must:
  • Describe the objectives of the paper and the theoretical background of your research.
  • Identify your research strategy and what the main research question is.
  • List the main analytical methods to be used in the paper.
  • Describe the main results you expect of the paper and possible recommendations.
  1. Acceptance of an abstract does not automatically guarantee acceptance of the paper.
  2. All accepted abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings which will be distributed to delegates upon their registration.



Please follow guidelines for abstract submissions however the word count is 400–500 words

Also note your presentation submission date is the same as full paper submission



Papers should normally be between 4,000 and 5,000 words in length (excluding notes, references, author details, keywords and abstract).


Authors must check that each of the following has been supplied correctly:

  1. Article Title
  2. Author(s) Name
  3. Author(s) postal and e-mail address
  4. Abstract of 150–200 words
  5. Keywords (six to eight, in lower case where possible)
  6. The title details should be centred and follow the format for heading 1 (see below)


All papers should be written in Microsoft Word and 1.5 spaced, with 2.54cm margins on all sides. The font should be Times New Roman, 11 point. The main body text should be justified, with paragraphs separated by a line. On the paper, authors should omit all personal identification details for blind reading.


Please do not exceed three levels of headings. The recommended format for headings are:

Heading 1 (11 point, Capitalised, Bold, Times New Roman)

Heading 2 (11 point, Bold, Italicised, Times New Roman)

Heading 3 (11 point, Italicised, Times New Roman)


The recommended style for quotations embedded into a paragraph is single quote marks, with double quote marks used for a second quotation contained within the first.

Footnotes and endnotes

Footnotes should be avoided. Essential footnotes should be numbered consecutively in the text and grouped together at the end of the paper. Endnotes may be used for comments and additional information only.


  1. In the case of graphs, diagrams or other illustrative material, the author will be responsible for the preparation of artwork, or for exceptional costs associated with such artwork required.
  2. Authors are strongly advised to consult one or more recent conference papers before submitting papers for consideration.
  3. Papers are accepted for publication on the understanding that they are subject to editorial revision.
  4. Authors are reminded that they must observe the usual rules and practices regarding the production of copyright material in their papers.
  5. The selection of papers will be made in accordance with a double-blind review process whereby the reviewers are not aware of the authors’ identities.
  6. All papers should reflect the reviewers’ comments which you have received for the abstract. These should also form the content of your revised abstract.
  7. Selection criteria include theoretical and empirical significance, methodological soundness, technical competency and logical clarity.
  8. The scientific committee reserves the right to reject papers that are not scientifically sound or are not in line with the submission specifications / guidelines.
  9. If accepted, at least one of the authors must register for the conference.



Poster presentations will be on display in a designated area for the duration of the conference.

All presenters are obliged to install and remove their own poster in the designated area

Guidelines for Preparation of Posters we require you use A1 PowerPoint (594 x 841 mm):

  • Size: The template is A1 portrait (594 x 841 mm), portrait (vertical) format.
  • Lettering for the title should be large (at least 70-point font).
  • The body text / font size should be between 24 and 32 points. Arial, Helvetica or equivalent.
  • Keep body text left-aligned, do not justify text
  • Title: Must be clearly displayed and must match the title of the poster submitted.
  • Structure: Poster must have a clear structure and format.
  • Keep the text brief. Blocks of text should not exceed three paragraphs (viewers won’t bother to read more than that). Use text to

 (a) introduce the study (what hypothesis was tested or what problem was investigated? why was the study worth doing?),

(b) explain visuals and direct viewers’ attention to significant data trends and relationships portrayed in the visuals,

(c) state and explain the interpretations that follow from the data. In many cases, conclusions can be summarized in a bullet-point list.

  • Depending upon the stage or nature of your project, the text could also include sections on future research plans or questions for discussion with viewers.
  • Cite and reference any sources of information other than your own, just as you would do with a research paper. Ask your professor about the particular citation system that you should use (every discipline uses slightly different styles). The “References Cited” is placed at the end of the poster.
  • Images: Use of colour images and diagrams is recommended for increased visual impact.

Please see the elements of the poster in position:

1. THRIC name and theme plus ITSligo Logo Font 20


2. The research title and researchers name will appear.

3. Your college logo

4. A brief introduction (3 – 5 sentences) will appear at the upper left.

5-8 is Methods and Results please use this space to lay out copy any way you like

9. The conclusions and recommendations will appear at the lower right.

10. References

Printing and Laminating…

  • Once you have completed your poster, we recommend you get it printed professionally.
  • Note: Do not leave your poster until the last minute. Allow at least 5 working days before you need to use it.
  • There are many professional print shops where this can be printed usually cost are €30, however most college can print A1 in house 

Poster Assembly

  • Venue: Foyer of Conference Building
  • Date and Time: June 15th 2017

Poster Display

  • Conference Delegates can view the posters from 10:30am on June 15th, 2017

Poster Removal
All posters must be removed from the designated room by 5pm on June 16th, 2017. The Conference organisers are NOT responsible for the return of posters to individual contributors.

THRIC 2017 Home Call for Papers Register for THRIC 2017

THRIC 2017 – 15th and 16th June, Sligo – Entrepreneurs driving tourism and hospitality